Sunday, June 30, 2013

My New Blog!

My sisters have been bugging me for a cookbook, and because I love them, I've decided to start this blog.  I hope they enjoy this, as well as all those who are to busy to think about dinner!

What's for Dinner? The question we all ask ourselves, or get asked, daily. I'm sick of walking back and forth between the fridge/freezer and my pantry wondering what to make that night for dinner. I look through cook books, look on line, ask my husband and kids, then when I finally decide half the time I'm missing some major ingredient. Then here we are at 7:00 pm back to square one.

When I’m working, I'll ask clients what they are going to have for dinner and it seems like most of us have the same response, "I haven't even thought about it yet." Then one evening I was doing my cousin, Monica's hair and she told me she makes a menu correlating with sales...BRILLIANT! So, I’ve decided to do the same, however I’ve found we have lots of leftovers. Well great, leftover night right…wrong! Anyone who knows my husband, knows he hates leftovers, and because I love him, I try not to have leftover night. Therefore I’ve learned to make meals from meals and he never knows that he’s eating Monday’s chili on Wednesday. Ha ha ha, our little secrete!

This blog is mainly for the meals I create; to help my sisters, and anyone else, go from leftover to gourmet! I will also put my menu, which correlates with the grocery sales, on this blog. I only plan five meals, because everyone needs a night off from cooking right and Sundays we usually eat with family. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me!

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