Saturday, June 1, 2013

Baby Blankets

Blanket I made for my little miss Emeri!
  • 3 yards of fabric~5 front squares, 9 back squares, & 4 flowers
  • 1 yard of fabric~4 front squares & 5 flowers
  • 1 yard of two different fabrics for rectangles and flower centers
  • 2 yards of flannel for batting
Cutting Instructions:
  • Cut 18 3x16 rectangles in first fabric
  • Cut 18 3x12 in second fabric
  • Cut 5 12x12 squares in first fabric
  • Cut 4 12x12 squares in second fabric
  • Cut 9 16x16 squares in first fabric & batting
  • I printed out a flower pattern I liked on paper and then cut 4 out in first fabric and 5 out in second fabric.  For the centers I also printed out a circle that looked nice in the flower and cut out 5 in first fabric and 4 in second. 
We are going to piece each 16x16 front block.  Place the 3x12 rectangle on side of 12x12 square with wrong sides facing each other and sew a 1/2 inch seam (these edges will be clipped to make a rag block).  Repeat other side with 3x12 rectangle with 12x12 square.  Now place your 3x16 rectangle along the edge of your block with wrong sides together ( you should have a 12x16 strip now) and sew 1/2 in. seam.  Repeat other side with 3x16 rectangle.  Now you should have a 16x16 block.  Repeat for all blocks.  Once you have all nine front blocks finished, place batting and back square with your front block.  Pin your flower on each block and sew around each flower with app. 1/4 inch seam.  This will hold your front square to your back square with the batting in the middle.  Then sew middle of flower on. Now you should have 9 blocks finished.  Put backs together of blocks, making sure the rectangles are in the right pattern, and sew one side together with 1/2 in. seam.  Repeat with third block.  Now you will have three blocks together, set them aside.  Do the next three and then the next three.  You will have three strips of 3 blocks each.  Place two of them together with backs facing each other, making sure patterns are right.  Sew using 1/2 in seam.  Add your last row to the blanket using 1/2 in. seam and making sure pattern is right.  Finish quilt by sewing along outside edge again using 1/2 in. seam.  Clip unfinished edges of quilt. (Don't clip petals, they will fray on their own)  Wash and enjoy! 

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