Sunday, May 26, 2013

Pizza Quesadillas

A client, of mine, gave me this children love it and Mom loves it too because it's so simple!
  • Large Tortillas
  • 1 bag shredded mozzarella cheese
  • favorite pizza toppings (pepperoni, olives, ham, green chili, bacon, sausage, etc)
  • butter
  • marinara sauce (I just use my spaghetti sauce but leave out the meat)
Brush 1 side of each tortilla with butter.  Place buttered tortilla side down on skillet.  Sprinkle with cheese evenly then sprinkle with toppings then place another tortilla on top with butter side facing out.  Cook over medium heat for about 2 min., flip cook another 2 min. or until golden brown. Cut quesadillas into triangles. Serve with marinara sauce.

Use leftover sauce to create another meal...from leftover to gourmet!

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